Healthy Hair & Scalp Tip
Hair and nails are made up of tough protein called Keratin, they will continue to grow as long as they receive nutrition and care.
From growth to hair fall, hair passes through 3 stages:
anagen , catagen, telogen.
Keep your hair & scalp clean by
1) shampooing your hair 3 times a week.( natural shampoo can be made by adding water to soapnut powder ( aritha) easily available in local grocery stores)
2) natural aloevera gel works wonders as a conditioner , keeping your hair protected & hydrated.
3) if your scalp is dry use cold pressed coconut oil once a week to massage your scalp to improve blood circulation & strengthen your roots
4) if you scalp is oily use 2 tablespoon of onion
juice and massage it on your scalp & wash it off after 45 minutes.
5) If you have dandruff in your scalp use a mixture of 2 tablespoon of camphor powder with 5 drops of tea tree oil, massage it well on your scalp, shampoo it off after 45 minutes.
Note: Do not wash your hair with hot water.
Do not use direct form of heat to your hair.
Do not share hair combs.
Do not share headgear.
Take a biotin supplement every day to aid hair growth.
Kaashi spa is curating a simple skin care regime which is easy to source and simple to follow.